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Tour Index

Tour Index Breakdown

2023 Tour Index

2023-2024 Tour Index

Tour index will determine which flight members will participate in during events. Tour index is calculated by your official individual tournament scores. New members and guests without a Tour index on record will rely on their GHIN to determine their initial flight until their official Tour index is calculated.

DivisionTour IndexPlayerVRMGCMGCRiver OaksCherawEagle ChaseVerdict RidgeMooresvilleMooresvilleIrish CreekRocky RiverVerdict Ridge
A70.6Chris Drysdale7270737068
A71Cory Martin7271
A73Zach McKelvey74
A72.8Levi Shelton767172717176
A73.4Mike Thornburg6970807570737476
A73.8Zane Lewis71727074807674717674
A73Dylan Lukes71
A73.0Brandon Jones74777367737968
A73Andrew Watkins77
A73Coston Fogleman
A73Shane Thompson
A73Rodney Nijoka
AZach Martin
AChristian Fleetwood79
ARyan Whitley
AJarrod Conard
ANick Rencis
AEvan Rodwell
AChris Pierson
ADaniel Honeycutt
AAaron Vanderpool
AStephen Testa
AKyle Webb
AColeman Arrowood
ABilly Belair
ABen Collins
ADoug Walker
ASpencer Ramsuer
ATyler Lowman80
David Alvarado85
B76.1Dylan Jones74766977778179
Bradley Parker87
BChris Grove
B76AJ Clark
BMitch Swaringen
BRhys Lloyd
BTino Pete79
BAdam Jolley
B77.0Dave Bornack7077857677
B77.2Alex Hunter81787476
B77.3Nick Nedvesky837475
B77.5Frank Garcia828175777674
BCameron Bullman
BMike Klyn
BDalton Thompson
BSteve Letarte
BDylan Hampton78
BDrew Kirksey
B77.5Trey Brown81777577
B78.6Zach Burket837479
B79Nick Hinton79
B79.2Dalton Thompson83758273867680
BTerrington Myles8682
BCasey Brighton80
B81.7Mark Lathan8780788682808284
B81.8Hunter Coggins8290
B81.9Mike Tobias91
BAndrew Williams
C82.0Austin Cureton
C82Jacob Wilkes81
CCole Irvin
C82.0Dustin Newman
C82.2Kyle Padilla87847979
C82.5Kevin Demeny79887786
C82.5Andrew Keene818586848179897782838182
C82.0Cory Lane808680
C83Caleb Tench
C84Mike Meadows
C85.0Chris Grindstaff8395728481888187
C84Cody King
C84Mike Stearns
C84Dallas Honeycutt
C85.0Wayne Carver888080938889778585
C85Austin Lauer
C87Bryan Beasley89
C85Trey Horton
C85.0Trevor Hogeland8585
C84Chip Goode83
C85.4Scott Helfrich91799383818586
CJon Wood
C86Scott Brotherton
C86Tom Burchinal
C87.9Nate Johnson9295859586878382
DAndrew Williams
DAustin Emmett
DBrett Yon
D87Aj Allmendinger8690
D89Derrick Foster
D90Jordan Davis93
D89Cameron Deese
D89Jon Garcia
D90Jacob Shell
D90Sean Hamacher
D90Mo Galal
D90Kyle Domkowski
D90Bret Bristow
D90.6Cody Padilla949785879091
D91Kevin Nelson
D92Joe Maus
D92Jim Maus
D92Ryan Peeler
D92Austin McNeill
D93Dan Bailey
D93Mike McElwaine
D93Shaun Draughn
D93Derrick Foster
D93David Donovan
D93Bryan Iacovone
D93.0Fred Heintz8810091
D101Kurt Stawarz101
Minimum of 2 Individual Stroke Play Events required for Tour Index


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